Meeting Participant Report

Using this template helps us debug your issues more effectively :slight_smile:

A clear and concise description of what the question is.
The schema returned is not the same as what stated on the website.

The full error message or issue you are running into.
No Error

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Knowing the endpoint/s can help us to identify your issue faster. Please link the ones you need help/have a question with.


Which Endpoint/s?
Knowing the API endpoint/s can help us to identify your issue faster. Please link the ones you need help/have a question with.

The participant schema returned is not the same as what stated on the website. There is no registrant ID.

Hi @lyc,

Did you ensure registration was required for your meeting and that your request URL included the include_fields=registrant_id query parameter?

I ask because the registrant_id will only be returned if both of these are true, and the user joined the meeting with their unique join_url.

Let me know—thanks!

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