Meeting SDK in a React Native app

I’d like to confirm whether it’s possible to use Meeting SDK in a mobile app built with React Native. Video SDK has it, but Meeting SDK does not. Is it in the works? Or, are there a few examples of React Native apps which made it work somehow with Zoom Meeting SDK? Thank you!


Meeting SDK does not support React Native.

Thanks. I know it does not currently. However, as Video SDK does support it, my question is more toward near future — is React Native version a work in progress?

Hi @david.fischer ,

There are no plans for RN on Meeting SDK

Hey @chunsiong.zoom
I have a mobile app with react native and i want to integrate meeting SDK in react native app .
But unable to found any solution. can you suggest the steps or help us in any way so that i can complete this backlog ?
I am trying to follow the below link but not succeeded ::

Thanks in advance !

@sandeep this is not an official zoom SDK release, and is not supported by zoom.

Can you please suggest the official way to integrate a Zoom meeting into a React Native app?

@sandeep , at this point in time, there is no support for Meeting SDK on React Native platform.

hey @chunsiong.zoom

Thanks for your reply !
Meeting SDK is working fine with website (in angular) .
In Mobile App , I am totally stuck .

We used meeting SDK to create the meeting in a particular time between two participant . To fix current issue , We also taken subscription for Video Sdk to open meeting SDK in Video . But did not succeed .

Can we use Video Sdk in place of meeting SDK and open the same meeting Id in Video SDk in any way ?
Can you suggest any solution to work it in mobile react app ?
if possible, Can we come to chat or Video Meeting 1-1 to clear all my doubts ?

Thanks in advance !
Sandeep .


Video SDK is a different product from Meeting SDK, and they are not compatible with each other.
In other words, a Video SDK video call cannot join a Meeting SDK’s video call