Meeting SDK still crashes on Android 12 or 13 - when compiling with API level 33 (Need android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT)

Thanks for the help so far @donte.zoom.

For anyone that lands on this thread with a similar issue, what eventually worked for me was updating to the latest version - v5.12.8.9901 (as as time of writing this) and adding these extra proguard rules (android//

-keep class us.zoom.{*;}
-keep class com.zipow.
-keep class us.zipow.**{
-keep class org.webrtc.{*;}
-keep class
-keep class**{
-keep class**{*;}

With the above rules set, I’m still able to keep my compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion on API 33. Joining a meeting now works as expected, tested on Android 13, 12, 9 and 8.1. :slight_smile: