Meeting Timezone in Reports/Dashboard

We are trying to use the API to return a list of meetings run by each of our users, organized by day/time. From what I can tell, neither the dashboard nor report endpoint include a timezone field - instead we just get the start and end time in GMT with no way to convert to local time. Do we need to go through the Meeting endpoint to get this?

Hey @stsimon,

That’s correct—the Dashboard and Reports endpoints for Meetings will return the start/end times in GMT. If you need the timezone field, this is accessible in the List Meetings endpoint.


Can I put in a request to add Timezone to those endpoints? Our users are distributed across multiple timezones and the report/dashboard endpoints are a lot less useful when we can’t identify specific timezones. (The alternative is to the the Reports endpoint to identify all meetings each day and then initiate another request to List Meetings, just to get the timezone.

Hey @stsimon,

Thanks for sharing your use case, and you make a great suggestion. I recommend adding this as a feature request here: #feature-requests


Thanks, I’ve posted in there.

Thanks, @stsimon! Appreciate the feedback.

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