Meetings API problems

I have three questions about meetings API.

  1. 100 request per day limitation for creating meeting is per user (passed userId in the endpoint) or for entire account/organization?
  2. How can I list all meetings under account? Without specify user id
  3. I am not able to list ongoing meetings with GET /users/{userId}/meetings request. Meetings parameter is an empty array.

I use JWT authentication.

Hey @avtandil.kikabidze,

Per userID in a 24 hour period.

To list upcoming meetings, you must use the Get User Meetings endpoint.

You can use the Get Dashboard Meetings endpoint and pass in live or past` for the status query param.


But this will return ALL live meetings in my organization and it can be hundreds. I need get live meeting for specific user.

Hey @avtandil.kikabidze,

Gotcha! You can get live meetings by passing in the type=live query param for the Get Users Meetings endpoint.


@tommy as I know, the live argument is the default, so there is not necessary to pass the type parameter.
therefore I am not able to get live meetings for user under my account. Could you help with this?

Hey @avtandil.kikabidze,

What userID are you passing in when calling the Get Users Meetings endpoint?

Its a test user (type pro) under my account.

Same problem here… Can’t list meetings using the getUsers endpoint. Seems like a bug.

Hi @avtandil.kikabidze,

Are the meetings happening at the time you call the list meetings type=“live” API[1]? Otherwise they will not show up.

1 -

Of course. In Zoom desktop application I am logged in as and starting call (checkbox “Use my PMI is disabled”) and after connecting, I am trying to receive this call via User’s Meetings API.


curl -X GET "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer some.jwt.token" -H "User-Agent: GuzzleHttp/6.5.1 curl/7.58.0 PHP/7.4.4" -H "Host:"

Response is empty:

  "page_count" => 0
  "page_number" => 1
  "page_size" => 30
  "total_records" => 0
  "meetings" => []

I also struggle with getting live meetings for a user. What I found out is the meetings array is empty if I use email as user ID in the API call. But it contains live meeting if I use the user’s UID as the identificator.

However even if I use the UID I still get only live meetings I started, not the ones started by somoene else where I only participate. Reading the endpoint description maybe that is intended, but a bit of a bummer because I wanted to use that API to determine if a user is in a meeting or not.

Hey @avtandil.kikabidze,

Are you getting an error when passing in that email?

Please share the request URL and response body.

Also try passing in the userID, or me context instead of email as @ondrej.bohm suggested.


Hey @zoom.reidman,

Please provide your request URL and response body so we can debug.


Hey @ondrej.bohm,

Thanks for sharing to use the userID.

This is intended functionality. You can determine if a user joins a meeting in real time with our webhooks, or see a list after the meeting ends with our reports and dashboard endpoints.


I’ve already shared in the post above (Meetings API problems - #10 by avtandil.kikabidze), see request (curl) and response.

How can I pass me context using JWT token for server to server connection?

Passing userId instead of mail did not help.


curl -X GET "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer some.jwt.token" -H "User-Agent: GuzzleHttp/6.5.1 curl/7.58.0 PHP/7.4.4" -H "Host:


  "page_count" => 0
  "page_number" => 1
  "page_size" => 30
  "total_records" => 0
  "meetings" => []

What I am doing wrong?

Hey @avtandil.kikabidze,

Can you share a screenshot of your meetings tab so I can see what meetings are live while you are making this request?



It’s very strange, there is only one meeting in the previous meetings tab.

So my question: when I am starting the meeting and I am alone and waiting for guests, such meetings will not appears in this tab? And will not appears in API as I see. Am I correct?

Hey @avtandil.kikabidze,

Correct, if you are the only one in the meeting, technically it has not “started” yet and that endpoint won’t return any meetings. Please try with at least 2 people.
