Memory Leak In Zoom Video SDK v1.12.0

I created a IOS demo app that use the Zoom Video SDK v1.12.0 found on ‘zoom-video-sdk-iOS’ repository on github in the ‘swift-package-manager-main’ branch.
After launching the app, i am successfully able to join or leave the session, however, joinSession and leaveSession is giving me a memory leak. The code used to join the session is:

let sessionContext = ZoomVideoSDKSessionContext()
sessionContext.token = self.jwt
sessionContext.sessionName = self.roomName
sessionContext.userName = self.userName

Would this issue be addressed in a future release?

Can you share the logs for your device? I can open a ticket to get this checked. Do you see the same problem with the latest version of the iOS SDK v1.12.5?


Thanks for your response. After running “Leaks” provided by Xcode and downloading the latest SDK v1.12.5. There are no memory leaks anymore when joining a session. However when i leave that session, i am still getting memory leaks. What device logs would you like me provide?

Are there any updates @ekaansh.zoom to my question?

Sorry for the delay @prw3100, I’ve raised this to engineering and we’re investigating.

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