- I have an education plan account
- meetingId: 8938939
- meeting uuid: UPDT9KROThOg3HMQHu
- next_page_token (none in this case), multiple uuids (only one in this case) and any slash char ("/", “//”) are managed into the C# code.
I correctly add about 250 users to a meeting throgh the API meetings/{meetingId}/registrants. I manage for them name and last name and i correctly send to them the unique link to join the meeting.
At meeting’s end i’m trying to use the API metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants to get all the participants join_time and leave_time to store them in my db. I obviously have many duplicated registrant_id because happens that a user join and leave meeting more than once because of many technical reasons.
API returns to me 269 records (into the web panel i see the same number) but if i download the participants csv file i get the effective access records number that is 581. I would like the API returns to me 581 records instead of 269.
API returns 269 records instead of 581. The weird is that i don’t really get 269 records but i get the first 300 records contained into the csv file of 581 records and the others entries from the 301 row to the 581 row are discarded. I wonder if there is a limitation, maybe linked to the license that i use.
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Which Endpoint/s?
How To Reproduce (If applicable)
This is the part of C# code i use to get the api response that i have always used without any issue until today.
var client = new RestClient();
switch (tipoIncontroZoom)
case TipoIncontroZoom.Meeting:
//Api - List meeting participants
client = new RestClient("https://api.zoom.us/v2/metrics/meetings/" + incontroZoomUuid + "/participants");
case TipoIncontroZoom.Webinar:
client = new RestClient("https://api.zoom.us/v2/metrics/webinars/" + incontroZoomUuid + "/participants");
message = "Il tipo incontro selezionato non è valido.";
return Json(new { Message = message, MessageType = Common.Utility.ID_JS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR });
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json");
request.AddHeader("authorization", string.Format("Bearer {0}", tokenString));
request.AddParameter("type", "past");
request.AddParameter("page_size", "300");
request.AddParameter("next_page_token", nextPageToken);
Screenshots (If applicable)
As you can see from the first screenshot i get the number “269” into total_records property but i retrieve 300 effective entries. But they should be 581 as they are into the csv file (second screenshot).
Additional context