Missing meeting.sharing_ended event

We seem to be missing this event for random meetings. We do get the started event.




Hey @jimig,

To confirm, is the user who stops sharing their screen a user on your Zoom account or has your webhook enabled app installed?

“The Meeting Sharing Ended event is triggered every time an attendee or a host stops sharing the screen during a Zoom Meeting. The meeting host must be a user in your account or a user in any other accounts that have installed your webhook-enabled app.”


Hi @tommy, yep that’s correct. We do get the started event as I mentioned, so why would it miss the ended?

Hey @jimig,

Are you sending back a 200 OK response each time you receive a webhook?


If not this could cause additional webhooks to not be sent.


Hi, we’re sending a 204 response. We are also only seeing one request so no retry occurring.

Hey @jimig,

Can you send me a list of meeting IDs this is happening to?

Are you using a Webhook-only app type or another App Type for the events?


Hi Tommy, these are standard app webhooks, not webhook-only. Example IDs:

5600711570 / w80q1Xj+SD2kAAl9t1ixdQ==
6048348314 / Heuwiny9QESbFCyCtsRUiQ==
6043690282 / 8sp81QpLSQukzH77F6YcMA==
6043690282 / OByFh5kyQFa6gwp4PaJ76w==
6043690282 / Sah3NXUJSUGCyPErbnJncA==

Hope that helps?

Thanks @jimig,

I will have our team look up the delivery logs. JIRA: DEVELOPERS-578

Thanks for your patience,

Hey @jimig,

Can you confirm your app name is “Jiminny”? We found 3 different apps with that name.


Hi Tommy, that is correct- we have some staging/development apps under the same name

Thanks @jimig,

I spoke with our Webhook engineers and they looked at the logs and found that when you started a new screen share you or someone else was already sharing your screen. Therefore, the Meeting Sharing Ended Webhook was not triggered. This is the current functionality, not a bug, but maybe a feature request for a Sharing Changed Webhook.

For example, the logs show we received two Sharing Started events and one Sharing Ended event for your meeting (OByFh5kyQFa6gwp4PaJ76w==) .

In order to receive the Meeting Sharing Ended Webhook, ensure you stop sharing your screen before you or the next person shares their screen.
