MobileRTC initialization seems to be deleting /library/caches/data directory

MobileRTC initialization seems to be deleting /library/caches/data directory(upon calling [[MobileRTC sharedRTC] initialize:context])

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. initialize MobileRTC with the following context:
  • domain = kSDKDomain;
  • enableLog = YES;
  • locale = MobileRTC_ZoomLocale_Default;

Smartphone (please complete the following information):
Device Model: iPad7,5
iOS Version: 12.3.1

Additional context
Please note that this only happens on fresh install of our app.

Hey @jumar

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Would you be able to record a video of this happening?


Hi @Michael_Condon

Attached GIF is the deletion of the /data folder (as I can’t seem to upload a video file)

Please note that this seems to be replicable on version 5.4.54520.1229


Hey @jumar,

What version of OSX are you on? I can’t seem to find that folder.


Hi @Michael_Condon

This was replicated via iOS simulator.
Directory should be the one provided by the OS via NSCachesDirectory

Hi @Michael_Condon

as an update. This seems to be replicable even if our app is not freshly installed. /data from NSCachesDirectory seems to be deleted on first use of MobileRTC

Hey @jumar

Are you seeing this happen in the sample application as well?


Hi @Michael_Condon

Upon replication, yes this is happening on the sample application as well.
However, please note that I added /data folder inside the Caches folder before MobileRTC initialization to simulate what is happening on our side.

thank you

Hey @jumar,

Ok sounds good. I will talk to the team about this.


Hey @jumar,

After speaking with the engineers, they have tested and confirmed that the SDK will not delete this folder itself. This is likely a side effect of something else.

Thank you!

Hi @Michael_Condon

Is the cause of the side effect found from the sample app?
So we can counter check if we’re doing the same on our app as well.

Thank you!

Hey @jumar,

I have not seen this happen in the sample app on my end.
