Modification in-Metting UI


Can we customize in-meeting or ongoing AV session by adding our own buttons for adding another peer or end the session with anyone, who is in live session.

We want to add few buttons like join session or end session for the third person(peer) in an ongoing session of two persons(peers).

many other AV service companies provide customization in an ongoing session, Do u have this facility ?

early response will highly be appreciated

Thank you



Hi Javed,

we provide hide meeting UI api functions inside MobileRTCMeetingSettings.h file, you can use topBarHidden, bottomBarHidden to hide the Zoom UI and then add you own UI above our Meeting UI.


Hi, I hide the topBarHidden, bottomBarHidden at settings, but unable to add my own UI and some action, can you please share sample code for this, so that I can Implement. 


early response will highly be appreciated

Thank you


Hi Javed,

please take a look at MainViewController.m file. Search for “//For adding customize view above the meeting view”, you can change “#if 0” to “#if 1” and you should be able to see the sample.

