Need help to rollback one account's Webhook App setting using Verification Token

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Account ID: 740751
We would like to test our new code in order to receive events from Zoom Webhook to support both Verification Token and Secret Token. However, even though, we leave the Secret Token field in blank but we still can’t receive any events from Zoom to the Event notification endpoint URL that we provided in the Webhook App.

We would like to seek your help, to re-allow this account using the legacy Verification Token to send events to us so we can test our modified code to receive and process events sent by Zoom Webhook, no matter the setting is based on the Verification Token or based on the Secret Token. Thank you.

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How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Request URL / Headers (without credentials or sensitive info like emails, uuid, etc.) / Body
2. Authentication method or app type
3. Any errors

Hi @ct_yen
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help here!
As far as I am aware, you are still receiving the Verification token in the headers when getting events from Zoom, we won’t retire this field until later this year

You should be getting an ‘authorization’ field in your headers, and the value should match your Verification Token.

Let me know if this helps!

Hi, Elisa

The problem here is we need to change the Event notification endpoint URL to the testing environment URL, this action stops the Verification Token working because the validation should be done by clicking the “Valid” button. Since the endpint URL changed and the validation is not passed, no events are sent and nothing logs in the Webhook Logs even we tried to do some actions for the subscribed events.

I understand, unfortunately, there is no way to skip this validation URL.
In order for you to receive zoom events, you must validate your event notification endpoint URL.

We have a sample app that you can use to achieve the Validation URL

Let me know if this helps, I am happy to provide you more support on this.

Hi, Elisa

The validation is only for the Secret Token, not for the verification token.

So how can we validate the URL for the verification token format if we would like to use the legacy token for testing?

Best wishes,


Elisa via Zoom Developer Forum <>於 2023年1月21日 週六,02:30寫道:

Hi, I understand now.
Unfortunately, we can not rollback this new feature.
But what you can do is validate your endpoint using the secret token and you can continue using the verification token to validate that the event is coming from Zoom.

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