Need improvement for education: interactive content on the green screen with presenter in front

Please solve the problem of showing either large, interactive content and a tiny teacher window or no content and a visible teacher / presenter. OBS crashes and is hard for non-tech presenters and teachers to use, so not a solution.
An interactive PPT run by the presenter as the green screen content would improve the long-distance educational experience and the presentation experience, no matter the age of the participants.
Studies show young children learn better in an online environment when they can clearly see the teacher’s face and respond. Engaging content (interactive stories, games, songs, etc.) also greatly improves the experience for students. Right now, it’s either/or.

To address the challenge of displaying both large, interactive content and a visible teacher/presenter window without relying on complex solutions like OBS, one option is to utilize Zoom’s screen sharing feature along with a PowerPoint presentation.

Here’s a suggested approach:

  1. Start by sharing your screen and selecting the PowerPoint presentation as the content to be shared.
  2. While presenting, make use of PowerPoint’s “Presenter View” mode, which allows you to see your presenter notes and control the slides.
  3. To ensure participants can see your face, enable your webcam alongside the screen sharing. This will display both the PowerPoint slides and your video feed simultaneously.
  4. Adjust the layout of the Zoom window to make sure both the content and your video feed are clearly visible. You can resize and reposition the windows to find a suitable arrangement.
  5. As you deliver the presentation, engage the participants with interactive elements in the PowerPoint slides, such as animations, quizzes, or clickable links.
    you can learn more from education guide.

By leveraging this approach, you can provide students with the benefit of seeing your face while presenting engaging content. This method can enhance the online learning experience for learners of all ages, aligning with research that highlights the importance of clear teacher visibility and interactive content for effective remote education.