OAuth App Client Secret Rotation Warning

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Server to Server OAuth

We recently noticed one of our OAuth apps created to integrate with TalkDesk has a warning saying that we must rotate the client secret immediately else it will stop working after April 19, 2024. The app in question was recently transferred to a new owner back around March though I’m not sure if this warning was present immediately after the change. It’s currently owned by our Zoom account owner account.

Did the ownership change caused this app to require client security rotation? If not, what could have caused it? Additionally, how would rotating the client secret would affect the OAuth app/integration if any?

To ensure your app works properly, please rotate the client secret immediately, and click “Complete Rotation” when you finish. The app will stop working after Apr 19, 2024 if you don’t take any action.

Hi @kcardoso
Thanks for reaching out to us!
I have not seen this issue in the past. Could you please share with me a link to TalkDesk’s documentation so I can take a closer look to this issue?

Hi Elisa,

The only documentation we were able to find related to this integration is regarding setting up the “Zoom Connector” within TalkDesk. However, this documentation seem to be referring to creating a JWT app with Zoom instead which has been deprecated for some time.

I’m unable to provide the link to the doc due to the forum refusing to allow links to be posted within replies.

We’re still unsure as to why this specific OAuth app required the secret to be rotated, however we’ve decided to complete the client secret rotation outside of business hours to restore the functionality of the integration to ensure there are little to no impact on our users.

Hi @kcardoso
I will send you a DM so you can share that link with me.
We have deprecated JWT apps so I am curious about this connector you are talking about
Please follow up in the DM