On starting meeting in component view web sdk Keeps loading with message "joining meeting" and display no error in console

i am unable to start meeting with zoom web sdk using component view.
when i start meeting it keep loading with message "joining meeting ". This is my code to join meeting

   this.zoomClient = ZoomMtgEmbedded.createClient();
           let meetingSDKElement = document.getElementById('meetingSDKElement');
            zoomAppRoot: meetingSDKElement, language: 'en-US',

               sdkKey: meeting.client_id,
               signature: meeting.signature, // role in SDK signature needs to be 1
               meetingNumber: meeting.id,
              password: meeting.password,
              userName: meeting.user_name,
              zak: meeting.zak_token, // the host's zak token
              success: (success) => {
                console.log('success', success);
            error: (error) => {
                console.log('error', error);

Hi @shoaib1
Thanks for reaching out to us
Can you please try and replicate this behavior with our sample app?

This could be an issue with your signature

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