onBreakoutRoomsStarted callback in never called

Delegate method

func onBreakoutRoomsStarted(_ bID: String!)

of ZoomSDKBreakoutRoomsDelegate is not called when user is invited to breakout room.

Which version?

To Reproduce

  1. Assign delegate to ZoomSDKBreakoutRoomsController after meeting status became ZoomSDKMeetingStatus_InMeeting
  2. Invite user to join breakout room
  3. Method func onBreakoutRoomsStarted(_ bID: String!) is never called

Additional context
Breakout rooms are enabled on host account and ZoomSDKBreakoutRoomsController is not nil

Thank you!

Hi @dmytro,

Thanks for the post and the info. Could you provide the SDK log for us to further investigate this issue?


Hi @carson.zoom,

I was able to join breakout room by using another API from ZoomSDKNewBreakoutRoomController. When user is invited to breakout room I get attendee permission and able to join room by calling joinBO on ZoomSDKBOMeetingAttendee. However when breakout room is closed I get no callbacks. What callback I should expect? Should I use ZoomSDKBreakoutRoomsController at all? Maybe there is a documentation or sample I can use to understand a correct way of using breakout rooms api?

Thank you!


SDK callbacks:
[ZOOM] onZoomSDKAuthReturn Success
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: Connecting meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: Audio Ready meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: In Meeting meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16779264
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16779264
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16779264
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16779264
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16779264
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16779264
[ZOOM] onUserInfoUpdate: 16779264
[ZOOM] onUserJoin: [16779264]
[ZOOM] onActiveVideoUserChanged: 16778240
[ZOOM] onActiveSpeakerVideoUserChanged: 16779264
[ZOOM] onUserActiveAudioChanage: [16778240]
[ZOOM] onUserActiveAudioChanage: [16778240, 16779264]
[ZOOM] onActiveVideoUserChanged: 16778240
[ZOOM] onActiveSpeakerVideoUserChanged: 16778240
[ZOOM] onHasAttendeePermission
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: Join Breakout Room meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onLostAttendeePermission
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: Ended meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: Connecting meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onShareStatusLocked false
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: Audio Ready meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: In Meeting meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onUserInfoUpdate: 16778240
[ZOOM] onUserJoin: [16778240]
[ZOOM] onActiveVideoUserChanged: 16778240
[ZOOM] onActiveSpeakerVideoUserChanged: 16778240
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16778240
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16778240
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16778240
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16778240
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16778240
[ZOOM] onVideoStatusChange: true, userID: 16778240
[ZOOM] onUserActiveAudioChanage: [16778240]
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: Disconnecting meetingError: None end: None
[ZOOM] onMeetingStatusChange: Ended meetingError: None end: None

Hi @dmytro,

Thanks for the log and the callbacks. Regarding your questions:

  1. Please try not to mix ZoomSDKBreakoutRoomsController and ZoomSDKNewBreakoutRoomController together.
  2. Based on the log you provided, when the breakout room is closed, you will receive a callback onLostAttendeePermission, and become a regular attendee in the main meeting

The following info could be helpful:
If you are the host of the main session you will be able to use the following class:

  • ZoomSDKBOMeetingCreator + ZoomSDKBOMeetingAdmin + ZoomSDKBOMeetingAssistant + ZoomSDKBOMeetingDataHelp

If you are the host in the breakout session, you will be able to use the following class:

  • ZoomSDKBOMeetingAdmin + oomSDKBOMeetingAssistant + ZoomSDKBOMeetingDataHelp

If you are the cohost in the breakout session, you will be able to use the following class:

  • ZoomSDKBOMeetingAssistant + ZoomSDKBOMeetingDataHelp

If you are the cohost in the main session, or an attendee in the main session or the breakout session, you will be able to use the following class:

  • ZoomSDKBOMeetingAttendee

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Hi @carson.zoom,

I’m still struggling to make this work. The problem is that I receive onLostAttendeePermission in the process of joining breakout room. When breakout room is closed, I receive no callbacks. With iOS SDK I receive attendee permission again right after joining breakout room, but not with macOS SDK.

Thank you!

Hi @dmytro,

Thanks for the reply. We are able to identify an issue with the information provided and we will fix this in the next release.


@dmytro were you able to find any workaround for this issue? Without this callback working is there any other way for the SDK client to know that it should be leaving the breakout room?

Hi @nraj

Alas, I could not find any workaround. I’m waiting for the fix.

@carson.zoom Any word on when the next version of the SDK will be out to solve this issue?

Thanks for the replies. Currently we are targeting to have the next release around 09/28.

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