Option Allow participant to unmute themselves not appear in meeting setting android sdk

Hi, i’m using android sdk in my apps.
I’m want to ask why in my own apps, in menu “Meeting Settings”, there is no option “Allow participant to unmute themselves”. But in zoom apps, that option is appear.

I’ve look around zoom api documentation and zoom sdk documentation, but i didn’t find it.
Could you please help me ?

Below i’m attach a screnshoot “Meeting Settings” in my own apps.
I want to attach screnshoot in zoom apps too, but there is a warning that new user only can upload 1 photo.

My Own Apps :

Thanks Before

Hi @kiki,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK and pardon the late response. The “Allow participant to unmute themselves” is introduced in Zoom client 5.0.3 (https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201361973-New-updates-for-Android), and our SDK has not updated to that client version yet.

Once we have updated to the client 5.0.3 or later, this option will be available as the Zoom client.
