Zoom Participant join as mute

Here i integrate zoom meeting sdk in my website. But here one problem that when participant join the meeting after he click the join with computer button his microphone will on automatically. but here i want to mute all the participant when they join the meeting. and the participant can not unmute themselves host will unmute them. user will request and host will unmute. How can I do that please help me. Here is my meeting sdk code

                        const client = ZoomMtgEmbedded.createClient()

                        let meetingSDKElement = document.getElementById('meetingSDKElement')

                        var authEndpoint = "/api/zoom_signature";
                        var sdkKey = 'isNISQDGRmyneq9LYUgitA';
                        var registrantToken = '';
                        var zakToken = '';
                        var leaveUrl = 'https://agm.spiralworld.biz/agm-board';

                        var meetingNumberInput = document.getElementById('meetingNumberInput');
                        var UserNameInput = document.getElementById('UserInput');
                        var passWordInput = document.getElementById('passWordInput');
                        var userEmailInput = document.getElementById('EmailInput');

                        var meetingNumber = meetingNumberInput.value;
                        var passWord = passWordInput.value;
                        var userName = UserNameInput.value;
                        var userEmail = userEmailInput.value;
                        console.log(meetingNumber, passWord, userName, userEmail);

                        function getSignature() {
                        var joinMeetingBtn = document.getElementById('joinMeetingBtn');
                        joinMeetingBtn.style.display = 'none';

                        // Dynamically determine the role based on the user information
                        // Dynamically determine the role based on the user information
                        var staticUsername = 'AGM';
                        var userRole = (userName === staticUsername) ? 1 : 0;

                        console.log(`User Role: ${userRole}, Static Username: ${staticUsername}, User Username:

                        fetch(authEndpoint, {
                        method: 'POST',
                        headers: {
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
                        body: JSON.stringify({
                        meetingNumber: meetingNumber,
                        role: userRole
                        }).then((response) => {
                        return response.json()
                        }).then((data) => {
                        var signature = data.result.signature;
                        }).catch((error) => {

                        function startMeeting(signature) {
                        let meetingSDKElement = document.getElementById('meetingSDKElement')

                        zoomAppRoot: meetingSDKElement,
                        language: 'en-US',
                        customize: {
                        video: {
                        isResizable: true,
                        viewSizes: {
                        default: {
                        width: 800,
                        height: 500
                        ribbon: {
                        width: 800,
                        height: 500
                        }).then(() => {
                        signature: signature,
                        sdkKey: sdkKey,
                        meetingNumber: meetingNumber,
                        password: passWord,
                        userName: userName,
                        userEmail: userEmail,
                        tk: registrantToken,
                        zak: zakToken
                        }).then(() => {
                        console.log('joined successfully')
                        }).catch((error) => {
                        }).catch((error) => {


Is there anyway to restrict participant to unmute themselves because in my zoom meeting sdk i can not see the option allow participant to unmute themselves. In my meeting i do not want to access that participant can not unmute them only host can do that. but i can not find any solution in zoom meeting sdk.
please anyone in zoom support please help me.

@njangon71 , you can set this when setting up a meeting or on account settings


when I define this in zoom meeting setting it will not affect the zoom meeting sdk. Here when I use Zoom meeting sdk Client view then I find the option allow unmute themselves but when I use component view then this option not visible i can not find the option. Here I need to use component view so i need this to participant can not unmute themselves.

another question can I use client view inside an iframe to get all the zoom feature because component view i can not get all the option. zoom account setting also not affect in meeting sdk.

please see my problem