Partial scope matching

Our app SimpleTix has the Zoom integration (in beta - not active yet)
If you do the oAuth connect with a Zoom account that has the Webinar package, we automatically create events as Webinars. If you don’t have this, we create the events as Meetings.

We just failed our Zoom App Marketplace approval. The approver said…

You have this sentence in your Usage section, “If you do not have the Webinar package we will create them as Meetings”, however, if a user does not have the Webinar package, they will not be able to authorize the app as we do not currently support partial scope matching

I’m not sure what they mean about “we do not currently support partial scope matching”
At the end of the day, what we did works fine. I’ve tested it with 2 accounts. One with Webinars and one that does not have it. No issues. Did our technical article simply phrase it incorrectly?

Hey @media1,

What they are saying is users won’t be able to install your application if they do not have the Webinar feature. You can either keep the webinar scopes you are requesting and re word your app to work with both webinars and meetings, or remove the webinar scopes and keep the meeting scopes and explain that it works with meetings.


We tested our app with

  1. an account with Webinar package on
  2. an account without it, just meetings

We did not have any issues at all with the meetings-only account. Was there supposed to be an issue? If there was - we did not have it. It worked totally fine.

Hey @media1,

Happy to hear it works!
