Password no longer returned as part of meeting detail

I make a GET meeting call:{meetingId}
expecting the retrieve the password. But it isn’t there.

password field doesn’t appear as the documentation suggested

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?{meetingId}

Hey @yyuen,

I am unable to reproduce the issue. How are you creating the meeting?


Tommy, thanks. I use API call to create the meeting. My password is in the format of XX123.

I notice that password is return when using the tester from the API reference page. But when I made the same call from my app, it returns all the fields as expected except the password. By the way, the result that I am getting back is in xml format. Is that normal? I have to convert the xml to JSON.

Hey @yyuen,

XML is not normal format, it should be JSON.

Can you send me the request url, request body, and response body so I can debug?


Turns out that it’s the proxy. I am writing a chrome extension using the API so I have to place the calls through a proxy. Somehow the proxy that I created only accept xml, not JSON. My problem is resolved now. I fixed my proxy to do JSON.

But why should the xml version be any different?

Hey @yyuen,

Happy to hear you figured out the issue!

By default Zoom returns the data in JSON.
