Hi Team,
I am trying to get the participant QOS scores for all past meetings.
In an ideal scenario, I would love to make a call to get the participant QOS scores for ALL meetings (grouped by meeting ID). If this is possible in a more straight forward method, please let me know.
Currently, when I access a past meeting end point, for example “/v2/metrics/meetings/93289943956/participants/qos?type=past” I get a very large object, per participant that is capture metrics per minute.
Is there any end point that provides an average, directly? For example, that is shown in the screenshot below from the Zoom UI-Dashboard.
Thanks for the confirmation. I will open the request.
Just to be on the same page, I will outline 2 scenarios. Please keep me honest and correct my understanding where necessary.
Right now, there is NO WAY to submit a general pull to extract ALL QOS scores for ALL meetings by a given date range (for example, a daily job to pull the past 24 hours of all meetings + QOS scores)
Right now, there is no way to directly get the average QOS score for a single meeting. The metric shown in the screenshot. Instead, the only way is to pull an object with metrics per each minute