Please add CC or BCC to panellist invite email

We are using Zoom to host webinars as part of our University. Our panellists are primarily academics and not only do they require the unique link to join a webinar as a panellist, but also they require a calendar invite via Outlook with the unique link in the body of the invite. We have tried to send them the link to join but they are always requested to register with Zoom as an attendee.

Is it possible to create a BCC or CC function when adding panellists so that we can add ourselves as admins to receive the same email that the panellists receive? This way if they come to sign in and they can’t find the email from Zoom, we can send them their unique link?

Unless there is another way around this problem?

One work around possibility, is to use fake email addresses then zoom2@ etc.

then just go to panelists and copy the invite as send to the panelists and cc to their assistants etc. no one receives the emails if fake and goes in a black hole.

Not an easy way but until Zoom offers the possibility it will help.
