Problem about screen sharing[SDK]

Hello team,
When we use the Zoom SDK’s screen sharing, a loading box will always appear in the middle of the screen without disappearing.
Once the loading box is closed, screen sharing will also end…
Can this be resolved? Thanks


Hi @kaichen
Thanks for reaching out to us!
could you please confirm if you can replicate this issue with our sample app?

Sure,I’ll ask the developer to try it.

Please keep the case open and wait for my reply.

Thank you so much!

Hi Elisa,
The sample app you offered is web sample,there is no ultrasonic screen sharing function for this sample.So we cannnot replicate the issue…
Please check

@kaichen Can you specify on what meeting SDK platform you are building ?

Hi Elisa,

We build on the eletron sdk 5.15.2


Ah I see @kaichen
Have you tried updating the minimum version ofryour SDK? we are currently on 5.13.5

We build on the electron sdk 5.15.2

My mistake, I see that the latest version is 5.16.6, could you try with that version?

Yes,we will try and reply to you.Thank you Elisa.

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