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React Native Zoom Video SDK / 1.11.0 / React Native CLI
The camera and audio work fine, but after starting the screen sharing, the event EventType.onUserShareStatusChanged does not work and the screen sharing does not appear in the session recording.
I am not getting any errors
Troubleshooting Routes
i tried creating a brand new clean project and i get the same result
How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:
1. call the zoom.shareHelper.shareScreen() function
const onStartScreenShare = async () => {
const isOtherSharing = await zoom.shareHelper.isOtherSharing();
const isShareLocked = await zoom.shareHelper.isShareLocked();
if (isOtherSharing) {
Alert.alert('Other is sharing');
} else if (isShareLocked) {
Alert.alert('Share is locked by host');
} else {
await zoom.shareHelper.shareScreen();
const userScreenShare = zoom.addListener(
async event => {
console.log('share started');
2. Agree to sharing in the native window
3. Nothing happens