React Native - Screen sharing does not turn on after turning on. React Native CLI

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React Native Zoom Video SDK / 1.11.0 / React Native CLI

The camera and audio work fine, but after starting the screen sharing, the event EventType.onUserShareStatusChanged does not work and the screen sharing does not appear in the session recording.

I am not getting any errors

Troubleshooting Routes
i tried creating a brand new clean project and i get the same result

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:
1. call the zoom.shareHelper.shareScreen() function

  const onStartScreenShare = async () => {
    const isOtherSharing = await zoom.shareHelper.isOtherSharing();
    const isShareLocked = await zoom.shareHelper.isShareLocked();
    if (isOtherSharing) {
      Alert.alert('Other is sharing');
    } else if (isShareLocked) {
      Alert.alert('Share is locked by host');
    } else {
      await zoom.shareHelper.shareScreen();

    const userScreenShare = zoom.addListener(
      async event => {
        console.log('share started');

2. Agree to sharing in the native window
3. Nothing happens

Hey @yevhenii.burkovskyi did you follow the setup instructions for the native platforms (iOS and Android)?

You need to need to follow the instruction on native Android Video SDK - Android - Screen sharing, to request permissions and create a service in the activity, and the example in our sample app is located at:


To make this process easier for you I’ve created a diff here feat: add screen share · zoom/VideoSDK-ReactNative-Quickstart@a8bf6bd · GitHub that adds the necessary files/permissions to a new react-native/expo project.


Have you set up the group id correctly? Besides the instructions on document, we also need to update the group id in the initialize field, in the broadcast extension class, and Xcode.

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