Reason User left Meeting

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Yes, We do not know why a user has left a meeting, only the duration they were present. We were told to cross post from Developer Forum Support to Feature requests.

A user can leave a meeting due to connection lost, Removal by Host/Co-Host or they leave of their own accord. From the apis and responses, we are unable to locate the reason a user left a meeting. This cause should be known to Zoom but we cannot find in the API results.

The use case here is for forced removal in which we do not want them to re-enter but do not want to use waiting rooms as it adds friction. We also need to report on this behavior so we can determine problem participants, user actions versus connectivity issues.

Describe the solution you’d like
Extend the APIs, WebHooks and Reporting to provide the reason the user left

Describe alternatives you’ve considered
Zoom Developer Forum Support

Additional context


Any progress on this? Adding this info to the webhooks/api would be very helpful for our use-case as well, where we’d like to know if an attendee was forced to leave the meeting by the host vs. left on their own accord.