Receiving 124 response code from chat report endpoints

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

* Get chat sessions reports

We are able to retrieve an access token via OAuth, however, when we try to hit the chat report endpoints (above) we receive a “124” error code.

It is unclear what this error code means and how to resolve.

“code”: 124,
“message”: “Invalid access token.”

How To Reproduce
We have tested both with curl on the command line and Postman.

The app registration in the Zoom Marketplace has the following scopes:

We are able to retrieve a valid access token, however, when trying to retrieve report data on the endpoints we occasionally receive the 124 error. We are using the token in the request header.

Is this due to an account specific configuration? Any additional detail would be valuable.

Hi @ben8
Thanks for reaching out to us and sorry for the late reply!
Just checking in with you to see if you were able to troubleshoot this issue or do you still need some help here?

Hi @elisa.zoom -

We still need assistance on the issue. Thanks!

Hi @ben8
Thanks for getting back to me!
Can you please confirm that you are using an Admin Level Oauth app?

@elisa.zoom -

That is correct. We have been instructing our partners to create a Server-to-Server OAuth app in their account, which I believe is only available at the account/admin level (please let me know if this is incorrect). Our partners then send us the account ID, client ID, and secret for us to establish the server-to-server connection. We are able to retrieve an access token but for some reason get a 429 response when trying to retrieve data from the chat report endpoint in some cases.

The only scenario I was entertaining was that our partners are accidentally creating an OAuth apps instead of Server-to-Server OAuth apps that are at the user level. If so, is there an endpoint we can call that would tell us the type of app associated with the client ID? Thanks!

Thanks for the follow-up @ben8
So you are able to retrieve the access token with the Account credentials, now my questions would be, can you see the scope report_chat:read_admin in the list of scopes associated with the token?

Is my understanding correct that sometimes you are able to retrieve data from the chat report endpoint but some others you get a 429 code error?