Registration has not been enabled for this meeting 2021

We are creating Zoom Webinar Meetings…

CreateMeetingParticipant request:{“code”:404,“message”:“Registration has not been enabled for this meeting: 89859601580.”}

In the API request we set: “approval_type”:0,“registration_type”:1,

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
CreateMeeting request:
{“topic”:“Sponsorship in Dirt Track Racings Event”,“type”:2,“start_time”:“2021-02-03T19:00:00”,“duration”:“120”,“schedule_for”:null,“timezone”:“America/Chicago”,“password”:null,“agenda”:" Ryan Aho has over 30 years of experience in dirt track racing. From being a multi time National Champion to the current Marketing Director at the Dondelinger Ford Grand Rapids Speedway in Grand Rapids, MN, he has immense knowledge in the industry. In this webinar, he will share valuable information on how to attain and retain sponsorship dollars for your team. What he is going to teach isn’t just a theory. He will share proven methods that will help you to build solid relationships with your marketing partners that will help you to give them more value which will create more operating capital for your race team. If you are struggling to get sponsors or to keep sponsors, this is for you! ",“recurrence”:null,“settings”:{“host_video”:null,“participant_video”:null,“cn_meeting”:null,“in_meeting”:null,“join_before_host”:null,“mute_upon_entry”:null,“watermark”:null,“use_pmi”:null,“approval_type”:0,“registration_type”:1,“audio”:null,“auto_recording”:null,“enforce_login”:null,“enforce_login_domains”:null,“alternative_hosts”:null,“global_dial_in_countries”:null,“registrants_email_notification”:null}}

CreateMeeting response:{“uuid":"+liAbnz2QNmb8YWLbpDS3Q==",“id”:89859601580,“host_id”:“iIrxeXwIR3K6Ybhbhmcvsw”,“host_email”:"”,“topic”:“Sponsorship in Dirt Track Racings Event”,“type”:2,“status”:“waiting”,“start_time”:“2021-02-04T01:00:00Z”,“duration”:120,“timezone”:“America/Chicago”,“agenda”:" Ryan Aho has over 30 years of experience in dirt track racing. From being a multi time National Champion to the current Marketing Director at the Dondelinger Ford Grand Rapids Speedway in Grand Rapids, MN, he has immense knowledge in the industry. In this webinar, he will share valuable information on how to attain and retain sponsorship dollars for your team. What he is going to teach isn’t just a theory. He will share proven methods that will help you to build solid relationships with your marketing partners that will help you to give them more value which will create more operating capital for your race team. If you are struggling to get sponsors or to keep sponsors, this is for you! “,“created_at”:“2021-01-09T22:37:24Z”,“start_url”:“Launch Meeting - Zoom 3126266799”,“type”:“toll”,“country”:“US”},{“country_name”:“US”,“number”:”+1 6468769923",“type”:“toll”,“country”:“US”},{“country_name”:“US”,“number”:"+1 3017158592",“type”:“toll”,“country”:“US”},{“country_name”:“US”,“number”:"+1 3462487799",“type”:“toll”,“country”:“US”},{“country_name”:“US”,“number”:"+1 6699006833",“type”:“toll”,“country”:“US”},{“country_name”:“US”,“number”:"+1 2532158782",“type”:“toll”,“country”:“US”}],“registrants_email_notification”:true,“meeting_authentication”:false,“additional_data_center_regions”:,“encryption_type”:“enhanced_encryption”}}

Hey @media1,

When looking into this meeting, I can see that the meeting was scheduled and that registration is enabled. What issues are you encountering with this meeting that would indicate registration is not enabled?


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