REST API All PUT operations failing. POST working

We are following instructions from below PUT end point. All PUT requests are failed so far.
same payload for POST operation is working

add-on plan update

base plan update

Our Payload are as per Schema only
{ “hosts”: 1, “type”: “webinar1000_yearly” }

Error codes:
“code”: 2100,
“message”: “Cannot update Pro plan for sub account which is not Pro/Business/Zoom Rooms Plan.”
“code”: 300,
“message”: “Account can't buy this plan, plan code :concurrent_basic_yearly”
“code”: 300,
“message”: “Account can't buy this plan, plan code :cmr_3TB_yearly”
“code”: 2100,
“message”: “Invalid Additional Plan Type: webinar500_yearly.”

Hi @murali.dittakavi

Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our community!
I am happy to help here!
Could you please confirm that you meet the prerequisites listed on our documentation in order for you to call this endpoint?


  • A Pro or a higher plan with the Master account option enabled.
  • The sub account must be a paid account whose billing charges are paid by its Master account.

Hi Elisa
yes we met those requirements. we are using Master account related API’s on ly

Way to fix-
First, try refreshing your Zoom account under Events Settings > Integrations.

If that doesn’t work, try removing your Zoom account completely and adding it back again.

Lastly, ensure that the setting in Zoom that only allows numeric passcodes is turned off.

Rachel Gomez

Hi Rachel.
under master account I could not find those paths. could you provide screen shots to check them

Hi @murali.dittakavi
I would not recommend removing your Zoom account or making any changes to it.
I am still debugging this issue
I will come back with an update shortly.

HI @murali.dittakavi
I am going to send you a private message to exchange some more details

Thank you Elisa. please reach me out privately