Run sample-app-web

Hey @ctapiero,

Are you serving your site over https? That should fix the issue. :slight_smile:

If not, please share any browser console errors.


Thanks it is the case.

But I have got a serious problem using Chrome - Is that the RAM machine is increasing up to 4 Gb and causing my screen to freeze when I activate the video.

And it is occuring on few machine and it is systematically.

I really need help because I do not see any code issue

I am using your your CDN sample in a iframe…

Hey @ctapiero,

Can you try using the Web SDK without the iFrame and seeing if that fixes the RAM issue.


Hey Tommy,
I tried without the iFrame but I get the same results.

Best regards,

I want to discuss that how we can integrate zoom meeting into our website using api and secret key without starting npm in cmd i want to use my own live server in place of localhost.

Hey @ahsanarain16sw16,

That is possible, just host the respective HTML and JS files on your sever.


Hey @ctapiero,

Can I ask what country you are in?

Are you using the best CDN for your locale?


ok that’s clear.
Now i want to know that how we can schedule a meeting from our website instead of doing manually from zoom website, I try to search that but it giving result like that “/users/{userId}/meetings” what is the “userId” in it.

Hey @ahsanarain16sw16,

Yes, use the create meeting API, and pass in either the userId or email of the user you want to create the meeting for.


Hy Tommy How are you?

I am using your basic plan of zoom But when i connect meeting in zoom I can’t hear other participants Voice only host voice other participant can not talk in meeting i also changes Settings from the zoom account from zoom website.

Hey @ahsanarain16sw16,

Please create a new topic and fill out the post template so we have enough info to help.
