Scope(Meeting:read:token) can't be set on Server to Server Oauth App

To utilize the third-party caption function in the app, we would like to obtain a subtitle API Token.
However, you cannot set the meeting:read:token permission in the scope setting of the app.

It is understood that the feature has not been updated yet. Can you tell me how I can automatically acquire the token (third party subtitle API token) or the date of the scope update?

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Get meeting’s token

Can’t get meeting’s token because Scope

{‘code’: 4711, ‘message’: ‘Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[meeting:read:token, meeting:read:token:admin].’}

How To Reproduce

Hi @kartistclass
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom Developer Community, I am happy to help here!
You can access the Get meeting’s token endpoint with a Server to Server OAuth App, by adding the meeting:read and meeting:read:admin scopes. You are not able to see the granular scopes, since those are available on the General App only

Hi @elisa.zoom

Thank you for your answer.
Where can I set the meeting:read, meeting:read:admin scope?

Using: Internal apps - OAuth scopes (

The error still occurs
“code”:4711,“message”:“Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[meeting:read:token, meeting:read:token:admin].”

and, we can’t set the scpoes [App Marketplace / Manage / Scopes / Add Scopes] yet.