SDKRawDataError.SDKRawDataError_WRONGUSAGE from zoomRawData.Subscribe in Meeting SDK Electron Wrapper

Meeting SDK Type and Version
Meeting SDK Electron Wrapper v6.0.10.34842

While exploring the Meeting SDK Electron Wrapper (Meeting SDK Electron Wrapper), I am consistently encountering the SDKRawDataError.SDKRawDataError_WRONGUSAGE error from zoomRawData.Subscribe. Below is the relevant portion of the code I am using (in src\assets\ts\rawdata\video.ts line 28):

const handleSubscribeVideo = (resolution: number, recv_handle: number, userid: number) => {
    console.log('handleSubscribeVideo userid:', userid);
    console.log('handleSubscribeVideo resolution:', resolution);
    console.log('handleSubscribeVideo recv_handle:', recv_handle);
    let obj = {resolution, recv_handle}
    let ret = zoomRawData.SetRawDataResolution(obj)
    let subscribeObj = {
      userid: userid,
      rawdataType: ZoomSDKRawDataType.RAW_DATA_TYPE_VIDEO,
      recv_handle: recv_handle
    ret = zoomRawData.Subscribe(subscribeObj);
    console.warn('SDKRawDataError: ', ret);
    if (ret == SDKRawDataError.SDKRawDataError_SUCCESS || ret == SDKRawDataError.SDKRawDataError_NO_VIDEO_DATA) {
      subscribedVideoList.value[recv_handle] = zoomMeetingParticipants.GetUserInfoByUserID(userid)

The zoomRawData.Subscribe method consistently returns SDKRawDataError.SDKRawDataError_WRONGUSAGE.

Troubleshooting Routes

  • Implement the above code snippet within the Meeting SDK Electron Wrapper.
  • Execute the handleSubscribeVideo function with appropriate parameters.

Could you please provide any workarounds that might resolve this issue? Additionally, if there are any known issues or additional steps required to correctly use zoomRawData.Subscribe, kindly provide that information.

Thank you for your assistance.