Server-to-Server app. type. Randomly getting Code 124, “Invalid access token.”

Hi, Support! I have an issue with an Invalid access token after a few API calls with the same bearer token.
I’ve heard of some indexes for the token. Can you provide information on how I can fix it or maybe you have a manual for implementing the last one?
Thanks in advance for your help!

I’m using this request for getting access_token:

curl -X POST -d 'grant_type=account_credentials' -d 'account_id={accountID}' -H 'Host:' -H 'Authorization: Basic Base64Encoded(clientId:clientSecret)'

HI @dev-zoom-api
Thanks for reaching out to us!
The issue you are facing could be caused by the generation of new tokens and these new tokens are invalidating the previous one.
So, when using our Server to Server OAuth app, by design you can only have one token working and if you generate a new one, this will invalidate the previous one.

You can either have multiple Server to Server OAuth apps in your account for different services or you can increase the token_index tolerance to your application if you do not want to create different aplications.