Session end payload is different from the reference

In the reference ( session_ended webhook has this payload:

“event”: “string”,
“event_ts”: “integer [int64]”,
“payload”: {
“account_id”: “string”,
“object”: {
“id”: “string”,
“session_id”: “string”,
“session_name”: “string”,
“session_key”: “string”,
“start_time”: “string [date-time]”,
“end_time”: “string [date-time]”

but we receive this one

“event”: “session.ended”,
“payload”: {
“account_id”: “--------”,
“object”: {
“start_time”: “2023-01-26T11:03:24Z”,
“end_time”: “2023-01-26T11:13:00Z”,
“session_id”: “-----”,
“id”: “----”
“event_ts”: 1674731580310

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention @allef
I will go ahead and test this on my end and I will communicate with our Documentation team.

I’m faced with the same issue
this is the payload I got from the session.ended webhook, I really need the session_name as stated in the docs

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