Signature length error

I deployed the sample signature app to heroku and saved my api key and secret as variables there. I fetch from there ( passing in a meetingNumber from my account and role:0). However when trying to use the response I get the following error.

method: “join”, status: false, result: null, errorMessage: “{“signature”:”"} signatrue length error", errorCode: 4003}

just to add i tried the php code example (not live), with the same parameters and I was able to use the signature i got

Hey @mylevitz,

Did you get it working? Make sure to use the API Key and Secret from a JWT App.


unfortunately not. I did use the correct key and secret and I was able to test it in a php code. I was trying to use your sample app, because it seemed simpler to push to heroku. However although i was getting a response it seemed it was inaccurate ( why would it be a length error?)
In the end I used your sample for php and pushed it myself, and that works for me.

Hey @mylevitz,

Glad to hear you got it working. That being said, make sure you are generating your Web SDK signature on the server side. We have examples in PHP. If you use the Sample App to generate your Web SDK signature, it exposes your JWT Secret to the client.
