StartShareCamera in Windows SDK not working properly

The SDK doesn’t appear to be sharing anything when trying to share a camera using IMeetingShareController::StartShareCamera. It says it is sharing, but nothing is actually being shared.

Which Windows Meeting SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to IMeetingShareController
  2. Call controller->StartShareCamera()
  3. Returns success, but nothing is being shared
  4. Calls to controller->CanSwitchToShareNextCamera() output true
  5. Calls to controller->SwitchToShareNextCamera() return SDKERR_WRONG_USAGE


Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: HP Probook 650 G5
  • OS:Windows 10

Additional Context
If I use the Zoom UI to share a camera it works fine and calls to IMeetingShareController::SwitchToShareNextCamera() work as well.

Hi @ryanp1, thanks for using the dev forum.

Sorry to hear you’re having issues with sharing your screen programmatically. Can you please provide a full code snippet showing how you are sharing the screen so that we can look into this further?


I have a static IMeetingService that gets created when the project starts:

static ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::IMeetingService* _meetingService;

then when the user presses the button to start sharing a camera I call StartShareCamera():


Everything else is working fine. This is the only part of my app that is having an issue. Again, if I use the Zoom UI to share a camera I can switch cameras with no issue and sharing the camera works fine. There is only a problem when I use the SDK function to start sharing a camera. I have not tried sharing a screen or anything else, only the camera.

Thank you for your help!

Hi @ryanp1,

At what point is the StartShareCamera function being called? Are there any additional checks of meeting status or share capabilities happening before that is called? Please provide some additional context so that we can get a full picture of when this is happening.


After creating the meeting service I start a private meeting using my pmi. I check if I can start sharing using _meetingService->GetMeetingShareController()->CanStartShare() which returns true and then I try to start sharing the camera.

No other checks are being made. I was able to share a whiteboard with no issues using the exact same steps. Nothing else is happening in this process.

Again, I am able to start sharing a camera in the same meeting if I use the Zoom UI (press the Share Screen button, go to advanced tab and select Content from 2nd Camera) and it works fine. If I do that I am also able to use _meetingService->GetMeetingShareController()->SwitchToShareNextCamera() to switch cameras and it works with no issue.

Hi @ryanp1,

Got it, thanks for the additional information. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with your implementation, so I think we’ll need the SDK logs to investigate further. Can you please provide the encrypted SDK logs?


How can I send this to you? When I try to attach it to a message I get an error message saying the file type is now allowed.

Hi @ryanp1,

Apologies for not including it in my previous reply. The logs can be sent through a ticket via our developer support site. Be sure to mention this forum topic so that the ticket is properly routed.


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