Stop getting webhooks for specific user

I have an app with a webhooks features,
after the user finish the oauth process I start getting its webhooks,
how can I stop getting webhooks from his account? (lets say the user asked to remove his connection from my app’s side)

does revoking his access token stop the webhooks flow?

thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, @liorsw,

Thank you for posting in the Zoom Developer Forum! Which webhook are you receiving after the OAuth process starts? If you have subscribed to the webhooks, the events will be sent to your specified endpoint. If you want to stop receiving these events, you will need to unsubscribe. Here is our documentation on webhooks:

Hi @donte.zoom
Thanks for your response,

Im getting webhooks for meeting.started / ended and participant joined.
I could not find in the documentation information about how I can unsubscribe from user’s events from my end (or remove my app for the user).

@liorsw ,

To clarify, which type of app are you building? Is it Account level or User level? If you wish to unsubscribe from certain events, you would need to remove the event subscription in the marketplace. At present, it is not possible to unsubscribe from a single event for a specific user.

Hi, thanks for ur response, @donte.zoom
We are using user level app
And is it possible to unsubscribe from all specific user events? (or uninstall the app for him)

Yes, @liorsw ! Please see this helpful post on this topic:

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