Stripe integration issue in zoom client app

We are creating a zoom app with react.js and now when we are integrating Stripe for the payments, using react from below documentation
It is loading fine in the browser with no issues, but when we are loading our zoom app, showing below error

and we are also noticing some web-socket connection errors as well, we are using ngrok for now.

It will be really appreciated if you could help me to fix these issues.

Please anyone can help on this :neutral_face:

@elisa.zoom please anyone help me on this issue.

I looked up issues related to this error but I wasn’t able to find any information that would help out here. As a bare minimum, I would make sure that you aren’t accidentally serving a mix of HTTPS and HTTP urls. Instead, make sure that everything is HTTPS.

Other than that, Stripe support may be able to provide more detail on how to resolve this issue.

Are you able to connect to the WS outside of Ngrok? It’s possible that this is an insecure websocket so I would also try to use the ws:// protocol instead of wss://

Let me know if that helps.

Hi Max,
Thank you for your reply, I asked stripe support team regrading this issue, but they suggesting me to connect with zoom support team for this.

As I mentioned above the stripe is loading fine in browsers, but not in zoom client app. I am creating zoom-app using zoomappsdk.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Please help me on this issue.

Anyone please help me on above issue to fix it, its a bit urgent.