Switch hosts through the API?

Hi, I have an issue that creates a meeting and switch host.

I am building a small scale e-learning application, I signed up for an account and upgraded to the PRO plan. Is there a way I can create a meeting from this account and switch host to another free account or is there a plan or way to do the same idea?

please suggest help me. thanks a lot. (sorry my english isn’t very good).

Hi @AnhSon,

If you’d like to switch the host for a meeting after it’s been scheduled, you can do so via API. You can use the Update Meeting API and pass the email/userId of the new host in the schedule_for field.

Let me know if this helps,

Thanks for replying, @will.zoom

I have a Zoom Licensed account and a Zoom Basic account (I will add more basic accounts)

I use the api to create a meeting (/users/{userId}/meetings) with body
({userId} is the email account Licensed)

body: {
   schedule_for: "xxxxxxxx@gmail.com",  //basic account added above

and I get the following 1 error

{"code":3000,"message":"You cannot schedule a meeting for xxxxxxxx@gmail.com"}

is there any way i can switch host before or after i create a meeting?
please suggest me, thanks a lot.

Hey @AnhSon, if both users aren’t licensed or don’t have scheduling privileges, you may find this approach better:

Let me know if it helps,

Hey @will.zoom, I have tried each step as you suggested.
Step 1: I use the api create meeting (/users/{userId}/meetings), {userId} is the email account Licensed. with body:

body: {
       settings: {
             alternative_hosts: '', // PATCH to clear

Step 2: I use the api update meeting (/meetings/{meetingId}), {meetingId} is the ID returned from response in step 1.
with body:

body: {
     schedule_for: 'xxxxxxxx@gmail.com'  // *Basic account*

and I get the following 1 error

{"code":3000,"message":"You cannot schedule a meeting for xxxxxxxx@gmail.com"}

Let me know if I’m doing something wrong, thanks a lot.

Hi @AnhSon,

This error means that the users you’re attempting to set as host/alternative_host do not have scheduling privileges:

You must have schedule privileges for the new host and the alternates, in order to make this update.

Let me know if this helps to clarify,

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