Temporary unmute not working

Temporary unmute not working after using chat

Which Windows Client SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ‘chat’
  2. Close the ‘chat’
  3. Hold space bar to temporary unmute
  4. You, won’t be able to unmute using space key

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
No screenshot

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Happening in every pc and laptop
  • OS: Windows 10

Additional context
This is happening because all the space keys are going into the chat, even when it is closed

Hey @swastik,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

I tried to reproduce this issue but couldn’t are you opening up the chat window as a popout window? How are you closing the chat? Is it possible you just need to click on the meeting window again?

I tested this on the latest version by the way. Can you try to update?


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@Michael_Condon I am already using the latest version only.

Steps to reproduce the error:

  1. Do all this without full screen.
  2. Go to chat.
  3. Type something but do not send it.
  4. Close the chat.
  5. Hold the spacebar to unmute.

You won’t be able to unmute as the spacebars are going to chat even when it is closed

Another update on bug!
This would only happen if you close the chat using keyboard shortcut(alt + h on windows)

Hey @swastik,

I am seeing what you are seeing, but I believe this is intended behavior since the Zoom client app has the same behavior. You can get around this by using alt+a instead of the spacebar.


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