The meeting participants API and meeting participants QoS API cannot get all the data of the host

Here’s how I do it:

  1. meeting starts, staff and learner participate
  2. staff end meeting
  3. staff and learner enter the meeting again
  4. staff end meeting
  5. access meetings API, meeting participants API, meeting participants QoS API

The meetings API: host returns two pieces of data.
The host data of meeting participants API and meeting participants QoS API should also return two data, but only one data is actually returned, what is the reason?

Hi @Bruce.Wang , try providing the next page token in the query parameter to get the rest of the results.

Hi @gianni.zoom Thank you very much for your reply.
The number of data pieces that should be returned has not exceeded the limit of pieces per page(page_size = 300 and page_size = 10), so the ‘next_page_token’ parameter should not be used.Are there any other reasons why the full data cannot be obtained?

Hi @Bruce.Wang , when you click on the arrows at line 7 and 226, the arrays are still empty?

Hi @gianni.zoom Thank you very much for your reply.
The array is not empty, but each person only returns one piece of data, and each person should return two pieces of data because each person attended the meeting twice.

Hi @Bruce.Wang , if they attended separate instances of the meeting, you need to pass the unique uuid for each respective meeting to get the data for each.

Hi @gianni.zoom Thank you very much for your reply.
Do I need to access other APIs?
Look at the documentation of the current API to return all historical data。

@Bruce.Wang , you are right in that the query params say it should return all historical data for the associated meeting id and I can investigate further as to why the meetingId will provide the latest meeting instance.

Can you please confirm if you see the other data you’re expecting when you use the unique uuids?

Hi @gianni.zoom Thank you very much for your reply.
I can’t see the other data, which should be the same reason for this problem.

Hi @Bruce.Wang , I am going to private message you so you can share the contents of the API responses for each expanded UUID query.

Additionally, please check if the following applies to you:

Hi @gianni.zoom Thank you very much for your reply.
If you want a private message, you can send an email to trayvon.
Now the question is why I use this “uuid”, because the first time I access the API, I can’t get the “uuid”. If there is any problem with my understanding, please provide the screenshot of all the data you can get according to the following case.

1.A host and a participant attend the meeting and then end the meeting.
2.API Request:

Hi @Bruce.Wang , in another thread I sent these two blog posts to explain why and when to use:

Meeting id will typically return the most recent iteration of a meeting. If you are looking for a specific meeting event, you will need to pass the meeting uuid. Please read the articles thoroughly and view the examples.

Hi @gianni.zoom Thank you very much for your reply.
We may have gaps in our understanding of this issue.
For now, we’re just going to talk about this API that the List meeting API:

1.I understand that the API should return the data of all participants in the meeting.
No meetingId or UUID is required to access this API.
2.But after this case(A host and a participant attend the meeting and then close the meeting) operation, why can only return the data of one person;
“from”: “2024-05-03”,
“to”: “2024-05-03”,
“page_count”: 1,
“page_size”: 10,
“total_records”: 1,
“next_page_token”: “”,
“meetings”: [
“uuid”: “Sz1KlsGZSVeBgVf86RDLTg==”,
“id”: 96723394537,
“topic”: “My Meeting-0503”,
“host”: “Bruce Wang”,
“user_type”: “Licensed”,
“start_time”: “2024-05-03T00:55:09Z”,
“end_time”: “2024-05-03T00:58:04Z”,
“duration”: “02:55”,
“participants”: 2,
“has_pstn”: false,
“has_archiving”: false,
“has_voip”: true,
“has_3rd_party_audio”: false,
“has_video”: false,
“has_screen_share”: false,
“has_recording”: false,
“has_sip”: false,
“audio_quality”: “good”,
“has_manual_captions”: false,
“has_automated_captions”: false,
“has_meeting_summary”: false
“participants”= 2,
But only one piece of data is actually returned;
3.Does this API only return the data of specific people, and does it not support returning the data of all participants in the meeting?

4.Could you ask your developers to try this case? If you can get the data of all participants, please provide the screenshot below.

@Bruce.Wang I am going to private message you so you can send a password protected zoom recording of you querying the API endpoints, and expanding the objects so I can see exactly what you mean. Please check your notifications for the private message.

Hi Gianni,

Thank you for your reply. I have attached a detailed document to explain the issue, I hope it will help you understand the problem better.

I have also copied Trayvon, our developer, who can provide more technical details if needed.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on how to resolve this issue. I appreciate your assistance and cooperation.

(Attachment zoom-issue-20240719.docx is missing)

Hi @Bruce.Wang , your response was deleted due to the sensitive information. Please respond to my private message with the info requested. Check your notifications to see the link to private message: