The server encountered an error processing the request Zoom window

This error appears in the Zoom window every now and then on Chrome. It is confirmed that it is not due to 2 windows opened simultaneously. What is the cause of this error?

The server encountered an error processing the request Zoom window.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Zoom IFrame.

Hey @elearningevolve,

Can you check the browser console to see if there are any additional error logs?


This ticket was submitted on my behalf. There are no error logs in the browser console.

actually found something in the error logs after trying the process again.Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 9.59.44 AM

Hey @cybertaekwondo,

Thanks for sharing the logs. Can you also share the meeting number so I can debug?

Does this happen every time you use the Web SDK?
