When I make a request and have https://next.stoplight.io/oauth/callback/success set as the callback URL, it says “invalid url”. If I don’t set it, it says the marketplace.zoom.us/oauth/callback/success URL is incorrect. If I set my OAuth app’s redirect URL to the aforementioned marketplace URL, it redirects successfully, but I get a 404 on marketplace and no access token.
I literally had to take the code returned in the URL when using the marketplace callback URL and manually generate a request using cURL to get my token.
What even is next.spotlight?
Edit: It was really really annoying editing this post to get around these forums’ limitation on URLs for new users, so, thanks for that…
That worked a lot better!!! Any change the docs could get updated with that? As-is it’s probably really frustrating to a lot of users just trying to get started!