[Time-Sensitive] Issues migrating JWT to Meeting SDK, and Misaligned Deadlines for Updates

In updating our Web Meeting SDK to the required version 2.7.0 for Aug 5, we learned we also needed to suddenly update our JWT Integration because the API Property was removed. The deadline for JWT migration has been published as Sept 1, so we are now caught by surprise. If the JWT deadline is intended to be Sept 1, shouldn’t the Web Meeting SDK match this?

We tried to migrate our existing JWT integration to a Meeting SDK App as per the migration guide. However they don’t behave the same way. Specifically, when using the Meeting SDK App credentials, the Web SDK can only join meetings that are hosted in our own developer account. Once we have it try to join a meeting outside the developer account it fails (when using production keys it will show “Appkey review status exception”).

Please advise on how this can be solved. We don’t intend the Meeting SDK App to be published, it is only used by our servers. We looked at server-to-server OAuth, but those credentials can’t be used to join meetings with the Web SDK.



We would always recommend upgrading the SDK to the latest version, instead of the “minimum version”.

If you are going to upgrade to Web SDK 2.7.0, there will be other blockers.

  • 2.7.0 requires SDK Key and SDK Secret. If you are creating a new Meeting SDK App today, it will only give you Client ID and Client Key (which is incompatible with 2.7.0)
  • JWT app type cannot be migrated or upgraded into a Meeting SDK app Type

The requirement for Meeting SDK Credentials on Web SDK has been rolled out for a while now, and it seems like there might be couple of task which you need to complete.

Here’s my recommendation

  • Upgrade the Web SDK to latest version
  • Creating a Meeting SDK App, and generate a JWT token using Client ID and Client Secret
  • If you are intending to join meeting hosted outside of your account, you will need to publish the Meeting SDK App.

Hi @chunsiong.zoom , thanks for the quick reply. In response,

JWT app type cannot be migrated or upgraded into a Meeting SDK app Type

Right. This is why we have to create a separate SDK App Type.

The thing is, we weren’t intending to publish this separate SDK App. This second app is basically a workaround because the Meeting SDK App Type doesn’t give credentials for the Web SDK to join a meeting (seems to be pretty nonsensical as far as I can tell).

Nonetheless we have submitted this second SDK App for lack of any other options. Is there a way we can either get this in for review quickly, or have a grace period of a few days so our users don’t suddenly lose functionality on Aug 5?

Right. This is why we have to create a separate SDK App Type.

Yes you need to have a Meeting SDK App Type

The thing is, we weren’t intending to publish this separate SDK App. This second app is basically a workaround because the Meeting SDK App Type doesn’t give credentials for the Web SDK to join a meeting (seems to be pretty nonsensical as far as I can tell).

The 2nd app here is referring to the newly created Meeting SDK App Type right?

  • Meeting SDK App Type does give credentials for Web SDK to join a meeting.
  • JWT App Type does not give credentials for Web SDK to join a meeting.

Nonetheless we have submitted this second SDK App for lack of any other options. Is there a way we can either get this in for review quickly, or have a grace period of a few days so our users don’t suddenly lose functionality on Aug 5?

Are you able to provide the application ID once you submit this for publishing?
Btw a published Meeting SDK App Type does not necessarily mean it is on the public for everyone to download or utilize.

Thanks again @chunsiong.zoom

The 2nd app here is referring to the newly created Meeting SDK App Type right?

  • Meeting SDK App Type does give credentials for Web SDK to join a meeting.
  • JWT App Type does not give credentials for Web SDK to join a meeting.

Yes the 2nd App refers to the newly created Meeting SDK App Type. And the JWT App Type has been allowing our WebSDK app to join meetings without any issues for several years. :man_shrugging:

Are you able to provide the application ID once you submit this for publishing?

Yes, prod client_id UbNnjDkRE6YncU2_cWgeA

Btw a published Meeting SDK App Type does not necessarily mean it is on the public for everyone to download or utilize.

Ah that’s helpful, did not realize that was the case.

Hi @chunsiong.zoom , sorry to bug you, just feeling nervous about the Aug 5 deadline causing our product to suddenly become nonfunctional for our collective users.

Any update about fast-tracking our app submission or giving a grace period on the deadline?

Many thanks.

I’ve already submitted the comments for your case. Have you gotten any comments on the review yet?

@chunsiong.zoom it still appears as “Waiting for Zoom Approval” and there are no comments. Confirming App Production Client ID is UbNnjDkRE6YncU2_cWgeA

Hi @chunsiong.zoom confirming comments just came through. We have replied to all of them and re-submitted.

@vandalayindustries ,

Thanks for the update.
I hope they are fairly straight forward asks which are easily amended / implemented.

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