Translated Captioning via Livestream API

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Meeting Scopes
meeting:read:admin, meeting:write:admin

API Endpoint

  --url[meeting ID]/livestream \
  --header 'Authorization: YOUR_TOKEN'

For our existing Marketplace App that live streams a meeting, we would like to confirm if a meeting that uses translated captions will include the captions in the live stream feed.

Thought I’d bump this with a description of the use case.

  1. A customer who uses our app can validate their zoom login to link their zoom account to our streaming service. They need to have “Custom Live Streaming Service” selected on their account.
  2. Assume the customer creates a meeting with translated captions enabled at the Account, Group, or User level.
  3. The customer starts the meeting with translated captions enabled.
  4. The customer then pushes an RTMP output of the meeting to our custom live service via the[meeting ID]/livestream API end point.
  5. Once the meeting starts it will be broadcast on the streaming service using limitations such as no chat moderation.

My question is will the translated captions also appear on the streaming broadcast? Or do they only work in a Zoom app?
