I’m trying to utilize a Zoom API in order to more easily pull Past Meetings data for my entire organization – of which I am an Admin – and while the code appears to connect to Zoom data, it does not appear to be pulling a complete meeting history. I’ve detailed the Python code below; any guidance you could provide would be much appreciated – if I can get this API working properly, it would open the possibility for expanded use of Zoom by my organization in the future. *s there something I’m missing in my code??
No Error being returned, just an incomplete data set.
Python Code for “Zoom” class
import time
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, Any
import requests
from authlib.jose import jwt
from requests import Response
class Zoom:
def init(self, api_key: str, api_secret: str):
self.api_key = api_key
self.api_secret = api_secret
self.base_url = “”
self.reports_url = f"{self.base_url}/report/meetings"
self.jwt_token_exp = 1800
self.jwt_token_algo = “HS256”
def get_meeting_participants(self, meeting_id: str, jwt_token: bytes,
next_page_token: Optional[str] = None) -> Response:
url: str = f"{self.reports_url}/{meeting_id}/participants"
query_params: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = {"page_size": 300}
if next_page_token:
query_params.update({"next_page_token": next_page_token})
r: Response = requests.get(url,
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {jwt_token.decode('utf-8')}"},
return r
def get_past_meeting_participants(self, past_meeting_uuid: str, jwt_token: bytes,
next_page_token: Optional[str] = None) -> Response:
url: str = f"{self.reports_url}/past_meetings/{past_meeting_uuid}/participants"
query_params: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = {"page_size": 300}
if next_page_token:
query_params.update({"next_page_token": next_page_token})
r: Response = requests.get(url,
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {jwt_token.decode('utf-8')}"},
return r
def generate_jwt_token(self) -> bytes:
iat = int(time.time())
jwt_payload: Dict[str, Any] = {
"aud": None,
"iss": self.api_key,
"exp": iat + self.jwt_token_exp,
"iat": iat
header: Dict[str, str] = {"alg": self.jwt_token_algo}
jwt_token: bytes = jwt.encode(header, jwt_payload, self.api_secret)
return jwt_token
Python code for utilizing “Zoom” class to query API
import os
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import json
from zoomus import ZoomClient
from Web_Services_Zoom_Functions import Zoom
start_date = input("What is the PERIOD START DATE? ")
end_date = input("What is the PERIOD END DATE? ")
client = ZoomClient(‘QdcpJ2IkQNi0lhLk6shDxg’, ‘mNhc7yZkAXQIy9DOd3tIQsFD5xVuCZIfodmo’)
user_list_response = client.user.list()
user_list = json.loads(user_list_response.content)
all_meetings = pd.DataFrame(columns=[‘uuid’, ‘id’,‘host_id’,‘topic’,‘type’,‘start_time’,‘duration’,‘timezone’,‘created_at’,‘join_url’,‘participant_count’,‘department’])
for user in user_list[‘users’]:
user_id = user[‘id’]
x = (json.loads(client.meeting.list(user_id=user_id).content))
if (x[‘total_records’]>0):
meetings = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(x[‘meetings’],dtype=str)
#meetings = meetings[~pd.isna(meetings[‘start_time’])].reset_index().drop(columns=[‘index’])
meetings[‘start_time’] = pd.to_datetime(meetings[‘start_time’].str.slice(0,10))
meetings[‘participant_count’] = None
meetings[‘user’] = ‘’
meetings[‘department’] = ‘’
zoom = Zoom(‘QdcpJ2IkQNi0lhLk6shDxg’, ‘mNhc7yZkAXQIy9DOd3tIQsFD5xVuCZIfodmo’)
jwt_token: bytes = zoom.generate_jwt_token()
for i,row in meetings.iterrows():
response = zoom.get_meeting_participants(meetings[‘id’][i], jwt_token)
list_of_participants = response.json().get(“participants”)
if(list_of_participants is not None):
meetings[‘participant_count’][i] = len(list_of_participants)
meetings[‘user’][i] = (user[‘first_name’] + ’ ’ + user[‘last_name’]).title()
meetings[‘department’][i] = user[‘dept’]
all_meetings = all_meetings.append(meetings)
all_meetings = all_meetings.reset_index().drop(columns=[‘index’])