{type: 'JOIN_MEETING_FAILED', reason: 'Fail to join the meeting.', errorCode: 200}

I would like to resolve the “Fail To Join the Meeting” error.

The following error is occurring.

Uncaught (in promise) 
{type: 'JOIN_MEETING_FAILED', reason: 'Fail to join the meeting.', errorCode: 200}
"Fail to join the meeting."

Browser Console Error

Additional context

I want to integrate live video of Zoom webinars into my website using the Zoom Meeting SDK in ASP.NET.

<What I’ve tried>

① I obtained the signature of the API server by cloning the following GitHub. I set the ZOOM_SDK_KEY and ZOOM_SDK_SECRET in the .env file.

② Start the API server from ① (http://localhost:4000)

③ I cloned the front part from the following GitHub: GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-javascript-sample: Use the Zoom Meeting SDK in a JavaScript App

④ In order to use the Component view, I set the component-view.js file as follows:

var signatureEndpoint = 'http://localhost:4000'
var sdkKey = '<SDK_KEY>'
var meetingNumber = '<Meeting Number>'
var role = 0
var userName = ''
var userEmail = ''
var passWord = ''

⑤ The HTML part is as follows:

<%@ page language="VB" autoeventwireup="false" codefile="zoomtest.aspx.vb" inherits="zoomtest" %>

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Zoom Meeting SDK Sample JavaScript</title>


      <h1>Zoom Meeting SDK Sample JavaScript</h1>

      <!-- For Component View -->
      <div id="meetingSDKElement">
        <!-- Zoom Meeting SDK Rendered Here -->

      <button onclick="getSignature()">Join Meeting</button>

    <!-- For Component and Client View -->
    <script src="https://source.zoom.us/2.9.7/lib/vendor/react.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://source.zoom.us/2.9.7/lib/vendor/react-dom.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://source.zoom.us/2.9.7/lib/vendor/redux.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://source.zoom.us/2.9.7/lib/vendor/redux-thunk.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://source.zoom.us/2.9.7/lib/vendor/lodash.min.js"></script>

<%--    <!-- For Client View -->
    <script src="https://source.zoom.us/zoom-meeting-2.9.7.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="client-view.js"></script>--%>

    <!-- For Component View -->
    <script src="https://source.zoom.us/2.9.7/zoom-meeting-embedded-2.9.7.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/component-view.js"></script>

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Hi @ai1 ,

Are you using the web sdk 2.7.0 and above?

You will need to use SDK App instead of JWT App for the authentication.
Let me know if you need more help on this


@ai1 Hope you will be fine.

Here are the sessions regarding WebSDK Integrations

@chunsiong.zoom @freelancer.nak
Thank you, everyone.
I was able to solve the issue on my own.

I implemented it successfully in the ASP.NET environment using the following GitHub sample as a reference.
GitHub - zoom/meetingsdk-web-sample: Zoom Meeting SDK Web Sample App

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