Unable to authorize

I am integrating https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings for my web application to generate a meeting link but I’m getting this error

Unable to install this app without the developer’s account. Please contact the app developer to install.

Welcome, @manish1,

Can you provide more details on what you are trying to accomplish and the pain points you are experiencing? Please share with us how you are calling the API in your application when you are getting that error.

hello, @donte.zoom
my main target to create zoom meetings via https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings API.
for this, i created a flow where first i use oauth2 verification and generate a token and use this same token for calling meeting api. but on oauth2 login i am getting this
Unable to install this app without the developer’s account. Please contact the app developer to install it. error.but login with the developer account its working fine
and one more point i haven’t publish my web application yet i just want to test it for a public domain account

@manish1 ,

Have you considered using sever to server OAuth for your test workflow ? It does not require the login step

yes its required bearer token for authentication.
my first step is to generate zoom oauth token (refresh,access) (https://zoom.us/oauth/token)and use this token for call zoom meeting API (https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings).
this flow working when i am using developer account but it’s not working with public zoom account.


In order to install an OAuth app outside the developers Zoom account, it must be published to the Zoom App Marketplace. If you are looking to distribute a private app, you can use the Publishable URL to direct users on your account to install your app. See support documentation below for more details :