Unable to compile Sample Application


When I try to compile the sample application (git clone https://github.com/zoomvideo/iOS-RTC-Stack.git). I get the following error.

ERROR: Can’t find /Users/weiguo/Desktop/zoom-ios-sdk-appshare Pharma demo/Pharma/Pharma/Images/adverse_event1.png

Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/copypng failed with exit code 1

I guess there a reference to a path which does not exist in my system (i.e. /Users/weiguo/Desktop/zoom-ios-sdk-appshare…)


Am I missing a compile / install instruction?


Hi Prakash,

Please change the resource image path to your local directory.


Could you help me out here? Is there a config (e.g info.plist) item which has the root directory for assets?

Hi Prakash, 

change the PNG file please, it should be located at Supporting Files->Images.
