Unable to create zoom meeting with Registration enabled using API V2

Unable to create meeting with Registration enabled by using below API. We can see Invite Link instead of Registration Link. When edit the meeting created through API, we can see “Registration” checkbox is unchecked. If I check it, I can see Registration Link. Not sure, what is missing in below API to enable Registration Link directly.

I am creating through PHP Programme. Taken this integration programme from here: Integration PHP API Zoom OAuth

$response = $client->request(‘POST’, ‘/v2/users/me/meetings’, [
“headers” => [
“Authorization” => “Bearer $jwt”
‘json’ => [
“topic” => “Test”,
“agenda” => “Test”,
“type” => 2,
“start_time” => “2020-11-10T15:00:00Z”, //$startTime,
“duration” => “30”, // 30 mins
“password” => “JWT”,
“approval_type” => 2

No Error. But it is creating Invite Link instead of registration link.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run the code snipped through browser which is deployed in server
  2. Meeting create successfully. I am expecting Registration Link instead of Invite Link.

Screenshots (If applicable)

Additional context

Hey @Srinivas_Yalala,

It sounds like you’re using a custom script, which could be why you’re running into unexpected results. You’re looking to retrieve the link to the registration page for a meeting, right? If so, you can call this endpoint directly:

If a meeting has registration, the response will include a registration_url field.

Let me know if this helps!


No. While creating a meeting, I am unable to create with Registration enabled check box. I have found solution with below values and it is working fine.

$response = $client->request(‘POST’, ‘/v2/users/me/meetings’, [
“headers” => [
“Authorization” => “Bearer $jwt”
‘json’ => [
“topic” => $subject,
“agenda” => $description,
“type” => 2,
“start_time” => $startTimeISO, //“2020-11-10T15:00:00Z”, //$startTime,
“duration” => $difference, //“30”, // 30 mins
“password” => “JWT”,
“settings” => [
“approval_type” => 0,
“registration_type” => 1,
“waiting_room” => true,
“registrants_email_notification” => true,
“meeting_authentication” => false


Hi @Srinivas_Yalala,

I see, thanks for clarifying—glad to hear you figured it out. :slight_smile:


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