Unable to get refresh token

I have created an app in the new marketplace, an Account-Level app. I have ALL scopes checked. When I authenticate (or re-authenticate), I get an access token successfully and am able to use it until it expires. However, when I try to refresh it using my refresh token, I get the following error:

Invalid request : Unable to narrow the scope of the client authentication to requested scope.

It was working fine up until recently. I am unable to find any answers about this error message anywhere else.

Hi @andrew,

Thanks for letting us know about the error, I’ll report this to our marketplace engineers and follow with you as soon as I hear back from them.

Can you also share with us the app ID and the email associated to the account as well?


The Client ID is YAfJLZSuSvuK7rkLTIUrKA and the email is andrew@wearegamechangers.com

Hi @andrew,

Would you be able to provide the specific time range and endpoint when you tried to make the call? Also, if your stuck while we investigate, a quick workaround would be to reauthorize the client and authorize the scopes as well.


We’ve received the error upon every endpoint call that we tried to make, but I’ve JUST now made a couple of calls to /v2/users/me and I’m getting the same error message.

I’m using a JWT that doesn’t expire until year’s end as a work around right now, but would prefer the protection of oAuth.

@michael_p.zoom Any more information on this?