Unable to initialize sdk version

Still on onZoomSDKInitializeResult i am getting the response as :
onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=1, internalErrorCode=0

In my app I also see these errors:

No implementation found for long com.zipow.videobox.ptapp.PTAppAPI4SDKSinkUI.nativeInit() (tried Java_com_zipow_videobox_ptapp_PTAppAPI4SDKSinkUI_nativeInit and Java_com_zipow_videobox_ptapp_PTAppAPI4SDKSinkUI_nativeInit__) - is the library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?

No implementation found for void us.zoom.internal.jni.helper.ZoomMeetingSDKMemoryStorageHelper

I am using API version 33

Hi @chris.chen , there are a couple of threads about this version of the Android SDK. We’ve found that some times certain dependencies are missing or there’s an issue with the gradle version:

Can you comb through these two for insight?

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